Very Very Most Common English Phrases

Very Very Most Common English Phrases
Very Very Most Common English Phrases

Most Common English Phrases

English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and is used as a business, academic, and cultural language across the globe. The English language has many unique phrases that are used in everyday conversations. Here is a list of the most common English phrases that you need to know.

Greetings and Introductions


One of the most common greeting words in English is "hello." You can use it in both formal and informal settings, and it can be used any time of the day.


  • Similar to "hello," but more informal.
  • Can be used with friends, acquaintances, or in casual settings.

Good morning/afternoon/evening

  • Used to greet someone during specific times of the day.
  • More formal than "hello" or "hi."

How are you?

"How are you?" is a greeting used to ask someone about their welfare. This phrase is often used in informal settings and is a simple way to start a conversation.

Nice to meet you

"Nice to meet you" is a phrase used to express pleasure in meeting someone for the first time. This phrase is commonly used in both formal and informal settings.

What's up?

  • A casual greeting is used to ask someone how they're doing.
  • Common response: "Not much, you?"

Saying Goodbye

Just as important as greetings, knowing how to say goodbye is also essential. Here are some common farewell phrases:


  • A casual way of bidding farewell.
  • Often used among friends or acquaintances.


  • More formal than "bye" and is often used in professional or business settings.

See you later

  • Used to suggest seeing the person again in the future.
  • Common response: "Sounds good."

Take care

  • Used to express concern for someone's well-being.
  • Common response: "Thanks, you too."


Polite Expressions


"Please" is a word used to request something from someone in a polite way. It is used to ask for something, to make a suggestion, or to offer help.

Thank you

"Thank you" is an expression of appreciation for someone's help or kindness. It is commonly used after someone has given you something or helped you in some way.

Excuse me

"Excuse me" is a polite way to get someone's attention or to apologize for something. It is commonly used when you need to ask someone for help or when you need to get past someone.

Apologies and Requests

I'm sorry

"I'm sorry" is an expression used to apologize for something that you have done wrong. It is commonly used to express regret or to offer an apology.

Can you help me?

"Can you help me?" is a polite way to ask someone for assistance. This phrase is often used when you need help with something that you are not able to do on your own.

Could I have...?

"Could I have...?" is a phrase used to make requests in a polite way. It is often used in restaurants and other service settings.

Time Expressions

What time is it?

"What time is it?" is a question often used to ask for the current time. This phrase is commonly used in casual conversations.

It's about time

"It's about time" is an expression often used to indicate that something should have been done earlier. It is commonly used to express frustration or impatience.

I'll be there in a minute

"I'll be there in a minute" is a phrase used to let someone know that you will arrive shortly. It is commonly used in conversations when you are running late.

Expressing Agreement and Disagreement

Being able to express agreement or disagreement is an important part of communication. Here are some expressions to use:


  • Used to express agreement or confirmation.
  • Example: "Yes, I agree."


  • Used to express disagreement or negation.
  • Example: "No, I don't think that's a good idea."

I see

  • Used to indicate understanding.
  • Example: "I see what you mean."

That's not true

  • Used to express disagreement or refute a statement.
  • Example: "That's not true, I have evidence to the contrary."


In summary, these phrases are among the most common in everyday English. They are used to greet someone, express gratitude, make apologies, ask for help, tell the time, and more. It is important to be familiar with these phrases to be able to converse fluently in the English language. Mastering these phrases will help you communicate better with native English speakers.

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